Additional Gold Anomalies Defined At Twin Hills Gold Project

Australia Investing

The Directors of eMetals Limited are pleased to announce the results of the phase two 592-hole auger drilling program at its wholly owned Twin Hills Project in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.


  • eMetals has completed the phase two 592-hole auger drilling program at its wholly owned Twin Hills Gold Project in the Goldfields of Western Australia to the north of the historical excised Twin Hills Gold Mine which has recorded historical production of 1,100 tonnes of ore at an average grade of 23.6 g/t and an historical resource of 17,541
    tonnes at a grade of 20.86 g/t.
  • Two additional gold anomalies have been defined by auger samples in this northern area coincident with interpreted structural intersections that compliment the priority target area between the excised Twin Hills Gold Mine and Twin Dams tenements identified in the phase one 250-hole auger drilling program completed in July this year.
  • RC drilling is planned to commence within the current quarter to test for high grade shoots hosted by shear intersections defined from both phase one and phase two auger drilling programs.
  • Program of Works application lodged.

The Directors of eMetals Limited (ACN 142 411 390)(ASX:EMT)(eMetals or the Company) are pleased to announce the results of the phase two 592-hole auger drilling program at its wholly owned Twin Hills Project (Project) in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.

eMetals Director Mathew Walker commented:
“The Company has successfully followed up on earlier geochemical targets with an expanded auger program that has delivered two additional high quality, tightly constrained drill targets. The Company is moving to test these targets as soon as regulatory approvals are granted.”

Earlier auger drilling at the Project completed in July this year and announced to the ASX on 4 August 2020 identified a north west trending auger geochemical anomaly sited parallel with a mapped fault that controls the plunging shoots within the excised Twin Hills Gold mine. This was interpreted as representing gold mineralisation hosted in a structural intersection and follow up auger drilling was planned. Please refer Figure 1.

emetals map

The second phase of auger drilling consisted of 592 auger samples which tested two target areas north of the phase one auger grid. The holes were drilled with a ute mounted auger rig and qualitatively logged on site by the contractor. Samples were submitted to a commercial laboratory for aqua regia digest for Au + 33 trace elements, a conventional assay method for low level exploration for gold. Full details on sampling methodology is available in the JORC Table 1 & 2.

Click here for the full press release.

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